The Viaggio mobile pizza oven is a “drop-in” design that allows you to easily mount a fully assembled pizza oven onto a trailer or food truck. Made from our modular pizza oven kits, the Viaggio allows you to simplify the build process. Whether you are a trailer manufacturer filling a customer request, or an entrepreneur designing your own mobile business, the Viaggio is a proven mobile pizza oven solution.

Our Viaggio mobile pizza ovens are available in three (3) standard oven sizes ranging from 40″ to 48″ cooking surfaces. Forno Bravo has supplied dozens of food concession manufacturers since 2003 and has over 1,000 ovens on mobile units. Viaggio in Italian means “travel,” which is exactly what this oven is designed to do, travel to where your customers are waiting for true artisan pizza.

Viaggio Mobile Pizza Oven Overview:

  • Three sizes: 40″, 44″, and 48″ cooking surfaces;
  • You can bake 4 to 7 – 10″ pizzas at a time; 140 per hour;
  • Capable of exceeding 900°F temperatures;
  • Stainless steel support structure to withstand rough conditions;
  • Wood fuel available, no charcoal;
  • UL certified and food safe.

The Viaggio110 has a 44″ cooking surface and handles 5 to 6 – 10″ pizzas at a time. Capable of producing up to 120 pizzas per hour, it is ideal for farmer’s markets, and mid-sized events.

  • Made from our Professionale TE110 Modular Oven Kit;
  • 3″ oven dome using commercial grade refractory with integral vent landing;
  • Firebrick 2.5″ cooking floor that is NSF-4 certified for use with food;
  • 4″ ceramic fiber insulation blanket for side dome and 6″ above oven dome;
  • 4″ ceramic fiber insulation board under oven dome;
  • Approximately 2,500 lbs and capable of being installed on most reinforced single axle trailers;
  • Available in stucco and tile finishes.

Viaggio Mobile Pizza Oven Advanced Core Technologies:

  • Oven dome produced using a proprietary 142 pcf density, 8,230 psi strength refractory material with poly-fibers for additional strength not found in brick or clay ovens. All manufactured in our Salinas, CA factory using a two-sided, vibrated mold casting process. It is a remarkably hard and durable material designed to provide many years of 24/7 operation.
  • NSF4 certified oven floor is constructed using large 18”x18”x21⁄2” ultra-premium (2,700 psi compressed and 2,650ºF kiln-fired) baking tiles with Cordierite — for superior thermal shock resistance and durability, and for great pizza baking.
  • Ultra-premium insulation, both in quality and thickness, for outstanding heat retention. Each pizza oven includes high-tech ceramic blanket dome insulation and ceramic board floor insulation — eliminating the need for old-fashioned and inefficient vermiculite or Perlite-based insulating concrete.
  • An interlocking dome design with a mono-block vent — and with fewer, tighter seams, these pizza ovens offer outstanding heat retention, cooking performance, and durability.
  • Stainless steel integral vent on larger models to reduce trailer and tow weight.
  • Stainless steel support structure to hold up to rough weather and rough roads.

Fully Assembled

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